On Sunday, June 19th, we celebrate Father’s Day. A day, a moment, we say thank you to our dads. My own experience with fatherhood was a true awakening. It has been a measure and test of my strength, creativity and ability to love. Becoming a dad, being a dad has been one of my greatest joys and meaningful parts to play in life’s drama.  When my son was born I remember clearly how excited I felt and how completely unprepared I knew I was. When I first held him I was overwhelmed by the vulnerability of an infant, a human being; little did I realize then how much I would recognize my own vulnerability through this experience.

There is often an anticipation of knowledge and superpowers from our child that is hard to live up to. I remember at four years old, my son truly believed I was secretly both Superman and Batman simultaneously! I never figured that out, but I realized it was very much part of a child’s magical thinking and I lived vicariously through his incredible imagination. Of course there is always the big reveal when the bubble is broken and you are left without a cape and are “just Dad”.

My dear sweet son will soon be twenty-two. It’s not clear how that happened and the lessons of fatherhood continue. The measured and sure steps from childhood to adulthood, the shedding of innocence, the taking on of responsibilities and watching a child become an adult is an extraordinary time. Timing seems key and without fail as a parent your timing will be off. It’s a lot of letting go – not easy after holding on for dear life. Fatherhood, parenting, doesn’t get easier but with every turn, with every long distance phone call, plan or job prospect comes the richness of sharing a work in progress and the love that accompanies every second in actions or words. Oddly though, the vulnerability I felt at my son’s entry to the world has never left and I imagine never will.

On behalf of the Village Board of Trustees I wish all our Fathers, Grandfathers, Fathers to be, warm wishes and a Happy Father’s Day!