Due to the snow storm and snow removal there will be no parking on Main Street Until Further Notice

Village of Warwick Water & Sewer Payment Information

Payment Schedule


  • Payments are due within 30 days without penalty
  • 30 Days past initial bill date: 5% penalty
  • 60 Days past initial bill date: Additional 3% penalty
  • 85 Days past initial bill date: Subject to water shut off (water shut off & reconnect fees will apply)

Village residents receive the initial water bill and a sixty-day past due final/shut off notice, followed by a shut off door knocker placed at the residence if the bill remains unpaid.

Billing Cycles and Due Dates

For any questions regarding your water account, please contact the Water Billing Department:

1-845-986-2031 ext. 105


Frequently Asked Questions

Your PIN and Account number are located on your utility bill at the top of the bill under Account Information.

To update the utility billing address or name on an account, please complete the request form above and return or email it to the Village of Warwick Water Department.

Please note that only the property owner is authorized to make changes to an account.

To close your utility account, please complete the Final Read Form above and return it or email it to the Village of Warwick Water Department.

If you are selling your home, your attorney or broker will typically handle the closing forms and associated fees on your behalf.

Please note that final read requests must be submitted at least three business days prior to your scheduled closing date.

The fee for a Final Read is $50.00.

If you are purchasing a home, your attorney or broker will typically handle the process of opening a new account during closing.

The fee to open a new account is $50.00.

If you are renting and need the utility bill transferred to your name, please contact your landlord. Changes to water billing accounts can only be made by the property owner.

You have several options for paying your utility bill:

  • Online

Payments can be made using your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express credit card or Visa Debit card (2.95% convenience fee will apply) or by Electronic Check ($1.99 flat fee will apply). Convenience and flat fees are collected by the web service provider, NOT by the Village of Warwick, and are subject to change without notice.

  • AutoPay 

By enrolling in AutoPay, your water/sewer bill(s) will be automatically paid 7 days prior to the bill due date using your selected payment method.

  • Check

Checks should be made payable to the Village of Warwick and can be mailed or dropped off at Village Hall:

Village of Warwick
Attn: Water / Sewer Department
77 Main Street / P.O. Box 369
Warwick, NY 10990

For after-hours payments, a drop box is located to the left of the main entrance.

Village Hall is open Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. excluding federal holidays.

  • Cash

Cash payments must be made in exact change. Any overpayments will be credited to your next billing cycle.

Turning your water from the curb stop off and on can only be performed by the Water Department and requires an appointment.

Please contact Water Billing to schedule:

  • Water shut-off fee: $50.00
  • Water turn-on fee: $50.00

To cancel a single AutoPay payment, please visit the online payment portal shown above.

Common Causes of High Water Bills
An unusually high water bill is most often caused by a leak or change in water use. Some
common causes of high water bills include:

• A leaking toilet, or a toilet that continues to run after being flushed (see additional
information below)
• A dripping faucet; a faucet drip can waste 20 gallons of water a day or more
• Filling or topping off a swimming pool or hot tub
• Watering the lawn, new grass, or trees; also check for an open hose spigot
• Humidifiers attached to the furnace that are improperly adjusted or not working correctly
• Sump pumps that have water powered back up
• Kids home for summer vacations or school holidays; guests
• Water-cooled air conditioners
• A broken water pipe or obvious leak; check the pipes in the basement or crawlspace; the water
heater could also be leaking
• Water softener problems – cycles continuously
• Running the water to avoid freezing water pipes during cold weather

Leaks, whether unseen or unfixed, can waste hundreds and even thousands of gallons of water. It
is important to routinely check your plumbing and home for leaky faucets, toilets, and outside
taps and irrigation lines.

General Information

Lead Service Line Project

As a Village, we are taking on a project in identifying the material of each customer’s water service line and we need your help. If lead is discovered in your service line, the Village will work with you to replace the line in a future project!