Due to the snow storm and snow removal there will be no parking on Main Street Until Further Notice

Home Summer Recreation Programs

Summer Recreation Programs

Applying for a Village of Warwick Summer Recreation Position
  1. Print out the four page application form
  2. Fill it out completely

     **Make sure you put your ss# and sign the back page**

  1. On the back page in the remarks box-put which program you are applying for (park program, football, cheerleading, track, tennis, basketball, lacrosse or soccer)
  2. List 3 references and phone numbers in the remarks box on the back page.
  1. DO NOT MAIL the form to the Goshen address. Mail or drop it off to Village Hall  77 Main St. Warwick, NY 10990
  3. **New Deadline for Applications: March 28, 2025

** Applications should be made to the attention of: Ron Introini (Recreation Director)

Deadline: March 28, 2025

If you have any question email the Recreation Director at:


Registration Information for Village of Warwick 2024 Summer Recreation Programs


  • Registration will open Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.
  • The Park Program will register weekly this year. Each week will cost $20 per child and $15 per week for additional siblings.
  • Swim Lessons will NOT be offered by the Village of Warwick. Swim lessons are available through the Town of Warwick Recreation Department and will be held at Mountain Lake Park. The Town swim lesson registration opens May 1, 2024. Click HERE for more information.

To learn about the Village of Warwick Recreation Program, please watch this video from Recreation Director, Ron Introini: 

Recreation Program Video

All registration will be done ONLINE this year.

We plan on opening the registration process for all summer recreation programs at 9:00 a.m. on 5/11/2024.   If any changes occur, they will be updated on the Village of Warwick website.

On 3/29/2024, the recreation website is for VIEWING purposes only.  You can see dates, times, descriptions, and fees.

FYI: All programs will close out when the maximum number of participants are reached.

For all recreation programs your child must be 5 years old AND completed a year of schooling.  The programs are available for kids between 5-12 years old.

The Village of Warwick Recreation Department will follow Orange County Department of Health COVID-19 protocols.

Recreation Registration Link:


If you have any questions, please email Ron Introini, Recreation Director, at recreation@villageofwarwick.org

Registration Procedures for 2024 Summer Recreation Programs

** You must create a Username/Password before you can register

To Create a Username/Password and Login:

  1. Go to the link https://parksrec.egov.basgov.com/villageofwarwick and click SIGN UP tab
  2. The CREATE NEW ACCOUNT screen appears (this is for the parent’s info)
  3. Fill out info and create a password (it must be at least 8 characters and it is upper and lower case sensitive) Once you type the PW in a 2nd time the words in red will disappear.
  5. Fill out DOB use MM/DD/YYYY (don’t use the calendar-click to get rid of the calendar.)
  6. Click CREATE ACCOUNT blue tab

You will receive a verify email (click on it):  if you don’t get the email check your spam/junk folder.

  1. Log in with your email and password

This will bring you to the EDIT PRIMARY MEMBERS SCREEN

  1. Click Green box-ADD NEW MEMBERS (this is your child’s info to register for programs.)
  2. Enter child’s name/DOB/gender, click RESIDENT status, leave grade and classification blank. Address/Phone #/email should all be the same.  Click SAVE
  3. If you are registering more than one child click CREATE ANOTHER NEW MEMBER –fill out info and click SAVE
  4. Very Important: Create new members for all your kids BEFORE you register for the programs
  5. Once all members are added click BACK TO HOME tab

13.Click person icon on the top right hand side of the page.  This is the Emergency Contact Information.  Click the plus tab (+) fill out emergency name/phone #/relationship/pick up info then click SAVE in the upper right hand corner.  If you have multiple emergency contacts you can add another person and their information.  Click plus (+) sign again to do this


Now you are ready to register for the Recreation Programs

How to register for the programs:

  2. Click on YOUTH PROGRAMS
  3. Pick the program you want to register for-click INFO to see dates/times etc.
  4. Click REGISTER tab on the right hand side
  5. All members will appear on the screen-any members that don’t meet the program criteria will be in PINK (parent/guardian)
  6. Click on which member you want to register for that program (GRAY is eligible)
  7. Once the name is in GREEN it means they are registering for the program.
  8. As you continue to register members for the programs the total will continue to increase. Continue to register your other children for that program.
  9. Once you are finished registering for that program click ADD TO CART
  10. Read the WAIVER for that program and click ACCEPT tab on the bottom
  11. The next screen is CUSTOM FIELDS ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION: Fill out allergies, click do you live in the TOWN OR VILLAGE of Warwick, Emergency Contact name and phone # and click which ethnicity. Click Blue REGISTER tab.

** You must fill out Custom Field Info for EACH child- for multiple children click NEXT MEMBER  – fill out info and click REGISTER tab

  1. Shopping Cart Screen: You can continue shopping to register for the other programs or you can click PAY tab. **if you made a mistake hit the RED REMOVE tab before you hit the PAY tab
  2. Pay Screen- this is the billing information/credit card/authorization/confirmation # etc.