From the Mayor’s Office
January 20, 2025
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The following speech was read by Mayor Newhard on January 20, 2025, at the Union AME Church Celebration of the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. –
Reverend Posey, Union Family, Invited Guests, and Friends,
There is no place I’d rather be today than here with you celebrating the life and vision of a remarkable man. Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. continues to inspire us with his leadership, courage, and vision. In a world where truth is often distorted, and integrity feels lost, his legacy remains a beacon of hope and guidance. That’s why we gather today—to honor his greatness and humility and to remind ourselves of the values he so powerfully embodied.
Each time I walk through these doors, I feel a profound sense of life, joy, and connection—but also something greater, something intangible. It’s an energy that fills this space, subtle yet powerful.
I first became aware of this feeling some 24 years ago when I stood here, in a different building but the same sacred place. My dear friend Rachel White had invited me to a service to introduce me as a candidate for mayor. I will never forget that day. Surrounded by friends, I felt embraced by their warmth, but more than that, I felt a spiritual connection—a reminder of my mission to serve this community.
When Reverend King spoke at a Task Force Against Racism Forum, he said, “God’s Holy Spirit is in us, and He has called us to do the work here on earth…” Reflecting on his life and leadership, I am struck by the monumental challenges he faced. The social attitudes of the time, the systemic racism, the hostility and the injustice he worked to overcome. To dream, to labor toward making that dream a reality, required more than physical endurance or intellectual strength. It demanded a profound faith and resilience, rooted in something far deeper than the material world.
Dr. King himself acknowledged moments of doubt and weariness when he said, “Yes, sometimes I feel discouraged and feel my work’s in vain. But then the Holy Spirit revives my soul again.”
These words reveal his humanity—his struggles and vulnerabilities—but also his unshakable faith and the power that sustained him.
In our darkest moments, we must remember that darkness is not permanent. Light will prevail, one step at a time. As Dr. King so wisely said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
Today, as we reflect on his words and his legacy, let us remember that there is a spirit within each one of us with unlimited potential, if we are willing to listen, to feel and to act. The incredible gift he left us is a powerful understanding of freedom, civil rights and the ability to implement change —not just in his message but in his call to action
There will always be so much to do, and we have been given a road map of sorts, so important right now- so my friends, let us not lose our way.
Happy Birthday Reverend King!
The next Village Board meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall, 77 Main Street.