NYS DOT Paving Improvement Update on Routes 94 & 17A

NYS DOT Paving Project Update
April 12, 2024

Description of the Project:

The existing pavement on Route 17A/94 from NJ State Line to the Town of Goshen line and on Route 94 from the Rt 17A overlap to Durland Road in the Towns of Goshen and Warwick and the Villages of Warwick and Florida, Orange County, shows signs of wear and tear deterioration including longitudinal and lateral pavement cracking. Additional resurfacing will be included in the project along Route 17A from Route 94/17A to Long House Creek.

Pedestrian facilities along Route 17A/94 are in need of improvements to assure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This project also includes replacing the culverts carrying Route 94 over Browns Creek and Route 17A over Unknown Stream. Pavement slope repair is necessary in some locations along Route 94 from the Route 17A overlap to Durland Road. Intersection improvements will be made at the intersections of Route 94 at Colonial Avenue and at Meadow Rd.

Project Overview:

Project Status –

      • The current status of the project is In Development.
      • The Bid Opening is expected to be in Winter 2024/2025.
      • Construction is expected to begin in Winter 2024/2025.
      • Construction is expected to be completed in Winter 2026/2027.

Cost of the Project –

The project cost is approximately $27,000,000.

This project receives funding from the following sources:
Federal: Yes
State : Yes
Local : No

Before construction of this project, it is possible for the NYS DOT to perform necessary ‘patches’ on some spots to help motorists pass safely.

Motorists are welcome to alert NYSDOT to any troublesome areas such as State Route 94 & 17A by calling 1-800-POTHOLE (768-4653). The line is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


*The Village of Warwick does not have the authority to repair or maintain state roads, please refer to the above contact to report potholes to the proper authority.