A public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Warwick will be held on the 15TH day of November, 2022 commencing at 7:00 PM at Village Hall, 77 Main Street, Warwick, New York to consider the following application.    

MICHAEL RINALDI for property located at 12 South Lynn Street, Warwick, New York and designated on the Village tax map as Section 210 Block 2 Lot 7 and located in an R District for a variance of Section 145-76A of the Code permitting storage of a recreational vehicle 33 feet long where not more than 26 feet is allowed.

EVANGELOS THEOLOGIS for property located at 10-12 Galloway Heights, Warwick, New York and designated on the Village tax map as Section 214 Block 11 Lot 8 for a variance of the Bulk Area Requirements of the Code to convert an office space in a single family dwelling to a 2nd single family dwelling resulting in a 2 family dwelling with the following setbacks (proposed pre-existing / required); front yard setback37.4 feet/40 feet; side yard setback:  11.8 feet/25 feet.  

The above applications are open to inspection at the office of the Board of Appeals, 77 Main Street,  Warwick, New York.  Persons wishing to appear at such hearing may do so in person or by attorney or other representative.  Communications in writing in relation  thereto may be filed with the Board, or at such hearing.  


Village of Warwick, ZBA